Fifth Quadrant’s Complaint handling policy

At Fifth Quadrant we aim to deliver excellence in market research. This policy underpins our commitment to acknowledge, investigate and respond to client complaints and feedback, and to be open to opportunities to improve our systems and service.

Our clients need to have their complaints and feedback about us, our services, our staff, or the handling of a complaint resolved appropriately.

We expect staff at all levels and in all areas of Fifth Quadrant to be committed to fair, effective and efficient complaint handling for all our customers. 

This policy allows our staff to take responsibility for helping clients and suppliers make a complaint, provide feedback, or offer suggestions about service improvements through fair, accessible, and transparent processes. 

We also expect that the services we provide will be conducted in an ethical and transparent manner and that our staff comply with the values and obligations of both the FQ Code of Conduct Policy and our FQ Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy.pdf

What is covered by this policy?

This policy applies to all complaints received by Fifth Quadrant or our agencies about our services and the handling of a complaint. 

It also applies to all our activities that involve receiving or managing complaints from our clients made to or about us, regarding our services, staff, and complaint handling.

This policy also applies to all complaints about Fifth Quadrant, all staff, consultants, contractors, and outsourced service providers performing work for Fifth Quadrant.

Guidance for staff related to staff grievances is set out in separate policies.


Complaint   Expressions of dissatisfaction made about us, related to our services, staff, or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.
Complaint management system  All policies, procedures, practices, staff, hardware, and software used by us in the management of complaints.
DisputeAn unresolved complaint escalated either within or outside of our organisation. 
FeedbackOpinions, comments and expressions of interest or concern, made directly or indirectly, explicitly, or implicitly, to or about us, about our services or complaint handling where a response is not necessarily expected or required.
GrievanceA clear, formal, written statement by an individual staff member about another staff member or a work-related problem.
Internal ReviewInternal review is a process that examines the decision made by the business unit. It is a basic principal of administrative law that the decisions we make in our work must be lawful and well-founded.

Our complaint handling process

We aim to resolve complaints as soon as possible and when the complaint is first made. 

If our staff member is unable to find a resolution, the client can request a review of the issue and this review must be independent. 

To be an independent review, the staff member reviewing the complaint must not have been involved in the initial investigation of the complaint. 

Where a person making a complaint is dissatisfied with the outcome of this further review of their complaint, they may seek an external review of our decision with, for example, the NSW Ombudsman. 

Our key principles 

There are six key principles that underpin our complaints handling processes. They are that we:

This policy and the accompanying Complaints Handling Procedure provide details on the processes, timeframes, and expectations that these principles drive.

What do our key principles mean for staff?

We enable complaints

Complaining to or about Fifth Quadrant is free.  Our focus is always on the client, including when dealing with feedback and complaints about our services, systems, practices, procedures, products, our staff and our complaint handling process.

This means that when anyone raises concerns via feedback or through a complaint we will:

We must also take all reasonable steps to ensure that people making complaints are not adversely affected because a complaint has been made by them or on their behalf.

We take anonymous complaints as seriously as any other complaint and we will investigate them, where possible. An anonymous complaint may mean that we won’t be able to communicate the resolution to the specific customer making the complaint, but it can still help us improve our processes. 

Staff are also encouraged to provide feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of all aspects of our complaints management system. 

We respond to complaints

We expect staff to respond to complaints quickly and where possible, resolve a client’s complaint at the first contact with Fifth Quadrant.

This means that, regardless of the channel the customer has used to register their complaint, we always need to acknowledge a complaint once it has been made and refer it to the appropriate staff member in a timely manner.

We are committed to managing customer expectations and assisting them to an outcome for their complaint. This means we:

If a matter concerns an immediate risk to safety or security the response will be immediate and will be escalated appropriately. Refer to the guidelines or procedures relevant to your work area for the appropriate escalation procedure.

Our commitment is that we will acknowledge a complaint within five (5) working days of receipt and will communicate the resolution to the person making the complaint within 20 working days of receipt of their complaint.

We are objective and fair

We address each complaint with integrity and in an equitable, objective, and unbiased manner.

The staff member handling a complaint must not be the staff member whose conduct or service is being complained about.

Conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived, will be managed responsibly and professionally. 

We also ensure that if the customer is not happy with the outcome of our internal review, we inform the customer of the steps they need to take to make a complaint to the NSW Ombudsman.


We protect the identity of people making complaints where it is practical and appropriate to do so.

The identity of the complainant may be revealed (or become apparent) where we need to provide information about the complaint to investigate and resolve it. 

Personal information that identifies individuals will only be disclosed or used by the agency within DCS as permitted under the relevant privacy laws, secrecy provisions and any relevant confidentiality obligations.

Our professional responsibilities

At Fifth Quadrant, all staff need to commit to our six Customer Service Commitments:

Anyone doing work for Fifth Quadrant must also commit to understand and comply with our complaint handling practices by:

Our staff whose principal duties involve complaints handling must further commit to demonstrating exemplary complaint handling practices by:

Alongside these responsibilities, our managers and executives must also commit to establishing and managing our complaint management system by:

The Finance & People Manager (F&PM) also has the responsibility to promote a culture that values complaints and their effective resolution by:

If you have a complaint please contact us here.